An easy iOS program, using Apple's Machine Learning Framework, snap a photo
of a flower with the camera, and it will tell you what flower it is. The flower image classifier
used was originally a Caffemodel and translated into Apple's Mlmodel using CoreML Tools on PyPI,
the image you take will go throw the Mlmodel and return a result of string type, then the string
is being used for an HTTP request to Wikipedia using Alamofire, the JSON result is parsed with
SwiftyJSON, and the image is retrieved using SDWebImage.
Ball Game
Ball rolling game created using Unity
I had considered the possibility of doing game development too.
A game can be fun without 50GB of texture and particle effects, simple and engaging is enough.
Snake Game
Our favorite snake game from Nokia!
This is one of the early projects I did when I first learned Python
online, originally the code was laying around in the script but I changed it into the
MVC model eventually.
GED Project
A Python project from Python course
The final project for my Python class, a conclusion of all basic Python syntax
and object-oriented programming, also simulated a real-life work environment where one works in
a group with an Agile Release Train schedule and that everyone pushes their work into his or her branch.
Dynamic Graph Network
Data visualization project for my summer internship
A data visualization project I did for my summer internship,
using a front end model for data science called Plotly, one can select date and click on
nodes to see relationships among them, the edge will show the weight between 2 nodes when
hovered on, and a graph below to show their properties. (GitHub link is hidden)
NYC Crime Prediction
A machine learning group project for an applied machine learning course
The final group project for an applied machine learning course, which predicts
the crime trend for 5 Boroughs of New York City, crimes are divided into 3 major crime classifications:
violation, misdemeanor, and felony. Crime data is sourced from the NYC Open Data website, we used 3
machine learning models for the training of data, consecutively they are Linear Regression, Neural Network,
and Decision Tree.
Weather Customization
An iOS weather app project from Human-Computer Interaction class
An iOS weather app that one can add or remove weather information tiles, or drag and
drop to rearrange them. And when you click on the Voice button or lauch it with Siri, the app will read
all the information of your choice to you.
Pac-Man Path Search
A reinforcement learning project with beloved Pac-Man
(From top to bottom: Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, and Uniform-Cost Search)
An ongoing reinforcement learning project, the goal is to allow Pac-Man to teach
himself to find the best path to eat all the dots while avoiding the ghosts using different search methods
and reinforcement learning.
Stevens Repository
A Flask, Jinja, SQLite project from Python class
A database project for the Python class, I used SQLite as a local, file-based
relational database management system, and Flask as the web server, to record Stevens's personnel.
Space Exploration
An OpenCV computer vision Python game that reads hand gestures
It's a temporary backup plan I came up with for a capstone project, and it utilizes OpenCV's contour detection functionality
to decide whether it is a palm or a fist on both sides of the screen. The game will rotate left if I clench my left hand and rotate right
if I clench my right hand, and will move forward if both hands are clenched, I made the prototype in 1 day so the codebase isn't at its fullest glory.
An iOS AR demo that puts pokemon on their trading cards
A small project to get used to AR concepts like 3D scenes, modeling, image tracking et cetera.
Athena AI
Chat with ancient philosophers or anyone you wish.
Imagine you can talk to anyone you want, such as philosophers, or fictional
characters, the project takes a vocal input, transcribe to text, then use Lancaster stemming algorithm
to turn a paragraph into a list of stems, then a trained DNN is used to determine whether the question
the user asked belong to a prewritten topic or a deeper question that can only be answered with GPT 2
Natural Language Generation (Thanks Elon).